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Bereaved Families of Ontario

South Central Region


Light a candle to remember a loved one or someone special

Click on the image to begin…


 A tax receipt will be e-mailed upon receipt of the donation. After making an online donation, you have the option of personally sending an e-card to notify a person of your donation made in honour of their loved one. 
Interact, VISA, MasterCard, AMEX are available method of payment


Please make your cheque(s) payable to Bereaved Families of Ontario, South Central Region and mail to 300 Fennell Ave. East, Suite 2B, Hamilton, Ontario L9A 1T2.


We are pleased to accept your donation over the phone at the BFOSCR office.

Please call (905) 318-0070. We accept VISA and MasterCard

Memoriam Donation

Make a gift in memory of a loved one who has died. Acknowledgement cards can be sent to notify a designated family member. Donations can be made by phone, mail, monthly and online. We accept Interact, VISA and MasterCard.

Plan a Fundraiser

Have you considered planning a special event with the proceeds designated to us? Our staff will work with you to ensure it is a fun and successful project for you and your friends/family. Call us at (905) 3180-0070 or email us to get started!

Please feel free to contact our office with your questions. We can help you make informed choices to suit your wishes at (905) 318-0070 

 Bereaved Families of Ontario, South Central Region Hamilton/Burlington 
Charitable number86589 2319 RR0001
